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Children's language robot

London: This experimental program is named 'Robot Ootter Thermal Inventory Prototype (or RAVE). This is a third-printed robot that will remain near the nominated child's bed or straw and will note whether the child is ready to know something or not.

By robots, you can teach a small child a new language. Photos: The New York Times
It uses a modern algorithm that uses thermal scanning and neuron scan and mirror. This software uses a fake computer character or avatar. It has been developed by spending three years of work and more than $ 20 million.

Early experiments have proved that this robot can attract a lively child for six minutes. Six to eight months of children are attracted to a sound or lyrics. Thus, their learning process starts and the first foundation for learning a language. It has been developed by academic psychiatrist Dr. Lara Ann Petite. He says the robot himself learns like humans and goes on moving exactly like a nominal baby.

Lara says that birth-borne and deaf children can benefit from this robot. One answer is that instantly teach the language of American gestures to the child or by going forward; they will be forced to learn this language itself. Experts agree that the tale of lucrative children is the most critical step in learning the language. How can they learn the language if they do not listen to them at this age?

There are children born in Pakistan and other countries who suffer from birth-related hearing. This robot can be very helpful in learning such children and improving their lives. Through this robot, children can learn a lot without parents.

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